Unless you have been living under a rock these last 12 – 15 months, you will know that every single one of us has had to adapt to a ‘new normal’. We have all had to adapt and deal – in some way or another to the challenges that COVID-19 has thrown at us, individually and collectively. We have all had to learn to work, play, and even interact at the most basic of levels in a strange at times, almost ‘non-human way’.
These dramatic changes and the lockdowns that the UK has endured, has meant that for many of us, it has not been easy and some of us have struggled to come to terms with this change more than others.
Mental Health Awareness week aims to continue to raise the ongoing awareness that it is ok to seek out help when you need it and let us be honest who doesn’t need a little bit of extra help now and then: whilst at the same time, celebrate the many brilliant initiatives that have and are being developed by many great people and organisations. At the HATS Group our message is simple, if you need help because you are struggling with your Mental Health, PLEASE reach out to someone and/or an organisation that can help.
We would also like to recognise, particularly this week – our own HATS Group Mental Health Service Team(s). They deal with people when they hit the lowest points in their lives, when they are vulnerable and they need the best support available, around them. Being transported when in that state, can be unsettling and stressful and our HATS team work tirelessly and as professional as possible in sometimes trying circumstances, to make every journey as easy and as stress-free as possible. Key to the work that our team’s do, is their ability to identify what support a patient needs and what triggers there may be, so as to ensure that any journey is safe for all concerned.
As a business, our mental health operation has grown as both the need for our services grows and the professionalism of the team and service is being recognised. Our team are available and on call 24/7, 365 days a year, and are always there to try to help. We have well trained staff who treat every patient as an individual and who try to make every journey as routine, safe and secure as possible.
It is true, that every one of us is on our own unique journey with our own set of challenges and opportunities during these strange and different times, and the way we react, respond and develop will be different for every single one of us – that is what makes us human and we believe that the world is a better place for it. So, no matter what you are dealing with please, if you need some help, support or just someone to talk to and have a cuppa with – please reach out and get it!