Serving Community Needs

Helpful colleagues ensuring passengers are safe and secure.

Providing support and services to 28 of London’s 32 Boroughs.

Dedicated to ensuring that all our passengers get to and from school or college - safely and reliably on time, every time.

Trusted colleagues providing exceptional care.

Dedicated to ensuring that all our patients get to where they need to - safely and reliably on time, every time.

Supporting a number of London, North West and South East England NHS Trusts, CCGs, and Independent Medical Organisations.

Trusted colleagues who’ll get you where you want to go safely and reliably.

Operating Centres based throughout London providing a responsive service.

All of our vehicles and drivers are registered with Transport for London (TfL) and have an enhanced DBS, for complete peace of mind.

Using HATS services

If you require the use of any HATS services, please be advised that our call centres are all open and on hand to help and offer advice: please note though, if you request transport, you will be taken through a screening process to ensure that our services remain safe and secure for the protection of all.

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"The HATS staff were very professional polite and helpful."

Patients, Karen & Richard, London

"HATS knowledge and skill of their drivers, let us to ‘fly’ around Camden giving vaccinations"

Lisa , Head of Primary Care, Camden

"Thank you so much from all of us for your continuing great help."

Johnathan, Leyton

"You are all incredible and provide an outstanding service"

Rachel, St George's hospital, London

"Thanks for your help throughout the year. You've been extremely helpful and it is much appreciated."

Natalie, Inpatient Unit, Teddington Memorial hospital

"Hats are doing an incredible job and sometimes transport can get over-looked."

St George's University Hospital, London

About HATS

The HATS Group is the UK’s leading private provider of Patient Healthcare, Mental Health, Home to Schools for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Transport Services and Private Passenger Hire Services, with an enviable reputation for professionalism and service excellence.

Led by a dedicated and highly experienced senior management team and supported by a highly skilled operations and compliance team, HATS are the partner of choice for many, providing over 2,000,000 passenger movements every year.

Expertly trained staff and caring teams, successfully deliver high quality, passenger focused transport solutions and with a fleet of over 800 vehicles The HATS Group supports the NHS, CCGS, Mental Health Trusts, Local Authorities and a range of other Public Sector bodies and Private Medical Institutions.

We are incredibly proud that our last Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection, which took place during 2020 rated us as ‘Good’ Overall and ‘Outstanding’ for Responsiveness.

Who we work with

Interested in joining the HATS team?

Are you passionate about people? Do you enjoy helping and caring for others? Then get in touch with us today – we’d love to hear from you and see if you have what it takes to join our team. As one of the UK’s fastest growing independent Patient Healthcare and Passenger Transport providers, we are always looking for passionate and skilled individuals to join our dedicated teams of Paramedics, Technicians, Drivers, Passenger Care Assistants and Customer Service Assistants.
