The 25th February saw us set up the ‘Chop Day’ at Stockholm Road in honour of Little Princess Trust where we had two award winning hair stylists from “Rooms Of Cut & Colour” who came to give the big chop to our 3 brave staff members.
We really do value and understand just what a selfless act it is for someone to donate their hair and we applaud all who took part in making a difference.
Peter Barnes, who donated an impressive 18 cm after growing his hair for the last 5 years.
Jay Begum, who donated 15 cm of her beautiful locks after having long hair for much of her life.
Jobeda Tobaris, who donated 9 cm from only 14 cm of hair. Sporting a short new do for the first time ever!
A huge shout to Tamara Elliot who donated a remarkable 20+ cm! You go girl !
A big thank you to Sean Hearty’s daughter Grace for donating her beautiful locks and Tony Jenk’s niece Ellie who donated an impressive 30 cm
I would like to thank all of those who donated to support this cause and those who participated by donating hair.
We raised an amazing £3,300
This will mean the Charity can make 6 new wigs…..