Emerald Hill Children’s home is a home for orphaned and vulnerable children in Harare, Zimbabwe aged 3 to 20. The children come from a variety of difficult backgrounds, many having been abandoned or having gone through traumatic experiences of neglect, emotional, physical and sexual abuse. The charity is run by Roman-Catholic Sisters who rely on donations and medication from people.
This charity was introduced to us by Enia Hillman (Director of Home to School services). The orphanage is currently housing over 90 children and sponsoring some of the older children who have progressed to universities and assisted some with job training to become self-sufficient.
Harare residents have a limited access to Ambulances, HATS donated two Ambulances to TDPharma which is a charity organisation that assists hospitals with providing transport for patients. The Ambulances were shipped and arrived in Zimbabwe on the 3rd December 2022
Please see message from TDPharma
“Gratitude is a feeling very difficult to put into words. We can say a big THANK YOU for such wonderful donations which will help us save lives here in Harare, Zimbabwe.”
If anyone would like to donate clothes, toys or books, please do let us know.